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Assam Integrated Flood and Riverbank Erosion Risk Management Investment Program (Tranches 1 and 2; and Multitranche Financing Facility)

Community involvement was substantial during project implementation and proved to be crucial in integrative flood and river erosion management. Advocacy and capacity development of community stakeholders enabled them to understand the complex flood risk management Cultural norms regarding women's roles in society were carefully navigated.

Climate Adaptation in Vennar Subbasin in Cauvery Delta Project

Community management of irrigation systems has enhanced project sustainability and reduced the burden on the government to use tax money for system maintenance. The project design did not consider alternative ways of managing irrigation systems. There were some attempts to form water user associations in Tamil Nadu, but there was no attempt to promote this concept.

Climate Adaptation in Vennar Subbasin in Cauvery Delta Project

Overlooking coordination could lead to project delays. Interagency coordination. The project had a good coordination mechanism within the water resources sector. Interagency coordination is needed when implementing social and environmental safeguards; in removing electricity poles (electricity utilities); in cutting trees (forest departments); and in land allotment, resettlement housing sites, and cash compensation payments (district administrations).

Strengthening Social Resilience Program (Subprograms 1 and 2)

Strong leadership by high-level authorities is required to carry out in-depth and timely policy discussions across a range of government and other development agencies and stakeholders involved in social protection. To meet the country's significant financial needs in a timely manner, the program needed to be prepared under time pressure. Therefore, strong leadership by high-level government authorities in the government was imperative.

Strengthening Public Finance Management Program (Subprogram 1)

Close coordination with other development partners working in PFM reforms is necessary to create synergies with ADB's support and interventions. Subprogram 1 was designed and developed in close consultation with the IMF and the World Bank to ensure a coordinated approach to PFM reforms. These lessons have confirmed that the reforms require a long-term perspective to achieve the intended objectives and that reforms need to be underpinned by significant efforts in sustained capacity building to ensure capacity constraints do not impact the overall quality of reforms.

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