Qinghai Delingha Concentrated Solar Thermal Power Project

Extensive consultations during project design and implementation strengthen stakeholder ownership of and responsibility for projects in turn enhancing their prospective impact and potential for success. During processing and implementation, consultation meetings with stakeholders at various levels were held on the project’s design, construction, safeguards, job opportunities, and ethnic minority and social impacts. These meetings included international engineers, the executing and implementing agencies, and the local people at the village, town, county, city, prefecture, and province levels. Local government of the project area associated more economic development activities with the project, including power industry, tourism, urbanization and town zoning, and the creation of more employment opportunities. Extensive and continued consultations during project implementation promoted participants’ sense of ownership and responsibility for the project and further helped to improve the project design and operation.

Project Name

Qinghai Delingha Concentrated Solar Thermal Power Project

Project Number
Report Date
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Project Cycle Stage