Integrated Urban Development Sector Project

ADB provided guidance and support throughout the project with frequent project review missions. Regular communication between MOW (Ministry of Works), PIA (project implementation assistance) consultants, and ADB allowed for continuous assessment of the direction toward attainment of the project's immediate objectives; review of institutional, administrative, organizational, technical, environmental, social, economic, and financial aspects of the project; assessment of the need to restructure or reformulate the project; and updates to the project's design and monitoring framework when necessary. Such regular tripartite interaction also allowed for good planning and implementation of additional, non-core subprojects to realize the benefits of savings from other project components, and also achieve completion of additional works within the fund utilization period. Although MOW went through a reform process during project implementation, close coordination between it and ADB prevented any major disruption to the project.

Project Name

Integrated Urban Development Sector Project

Project Number
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