DISCOM-East was proactive in solving problems in the development of design documents, procurement, the timely delivery of equipment and in resolving the numerous issues and problems normal to project implementation. Lessons for future ADB projects include the need for capable and committed implementing agencies. DISCOM-East demonstrated that; (i) open communication and willingness to deal with stakeholders - and particularly contractors - are helpful in resolving complex technological and economic issues leading to better resolution in a timely and cost efficient manner, (ii) a properly administered procurement process will lead to improved bids with lower prices and better quality of equipment and workmanship of contractors; (iii) ability to adjust project scope due to actual field conditions and to apply technical optimization will improve project implementation and outcome; and (iv) assignment of experienced and sufficiently ranked technical managers with autonomy to plan, design and implement the project, will lead to better project implementation.
Madhya Pradesh Power Sector Investment Program (Tranche 2)