Creating Enabling Environment fopr Gradual Rural-Urban Migration and Urban Settlements Development in Chuxiong Yi Autonomous Prefecture

As the TA aimed to recommend policy actions that could be incorporated into policy documents of the Chuxiong Prefecture government, the four policy notes were produced for relevant bureaus and institutions of the Chuxiong Prefecture government involved in the preparation of the implementation plan for the rural vitalization strategy for Chuxiong Prefecture. Through the organization of the policy seminars and training, the TA also contributed to raising awareness of the importance of long-term institutional capacity building and local skills development (e.g., strengthening of rural collectives and business associations, modern agriculture practitioners, business development experts, enterprise managers experienced with state-of-the art private sector management techniques and practices) to make physical investments under the rural vitalization strategy sustainable.

Project Name

Creating Enabling Environment fopr Gradual Rural-Urban Migration and Urban Settlements Development in Chuxiong Yi Autonomous Prefecture

Project Number
Report Date
Report Source
Technical assistance completion reports