Despite a few changes in ADB staff managing and supervising it, the TA benefited from engaging a core set of consultants who provided the institutional memory and worked closely together to undertake specialized yet interrelated assignments, ensuring work consistency, and timely delivery of quality outputs. In the participating South Asia DMCs, the TA accommodated the in-country project management protocols and, thus, enjoyed full support from the respective partner national focal agencies, including inputs from expert-level working groups and guidance from project steering committees. The working group and steering committee provided the national consultant team valuable advice regarding relevant data and information, facilitated ready access to these inputs, monitored the consultants’ performance and reviewed their outputs, and ensured the country activities’ synergy with similar ongoing initiatives. The TA also benefited from the regular communication between ADB staff, and core consultants, and the national TA coordinators from the partner government agencies and national consultant teams.
Action on Climate Change in South Asia