Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation Corridor 6 (Marakand–Karshi) Railway Electrification Project

Accurate estimates of technical parameters, indicators, and an improved demand analysis allow a more robust assessment of the project’s economic viability and development impact. Obtaining reliable existing traffic data along with developing sound traffic demand forecast volume would facilitate securing some of the key inputs required for the related efforts. It would also be beneficial to ascertain diverted and newly generated traffic volume including the identification of anticipated demand-shifting factors. These inputs provide rigor to the efficiency and impact of a transport investment. Inaddition, analyzing the commodities and passenger origin and destination patterns, and how they changed since the completion of the project, will provide a better appreciation of the economic and social impacts of the project in the affected regions.

Project Name

Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation Corridor 6 (Marakand–Karshi) Railway Electrification Project

Project Number
Report Date
Report Source
Validation of self-evaluation
Report Rating