Urban Governance and Infrastructure Improvement (Sector)

For a complex multi-component project, regular monitoring of the implementation progress and pourashava performance by the executing authority is indispensable. Regular interaction between the borrower and ADB, and ADB and the pourashavas through the projec management office contributed greatly to the success of the project. The use of a sector modality proved highly appropriate for performance-based allocation of funds among the competing pourashavas. This approach should be followed in all future ADB assistance to the pourashavas. However, when implementing a multi-component urban development project spread over a large geographical area, provision for strong consultant support, and advance action to select and field the consultants immediately after loan effectiveness is important to avoid startup delays. The government needs to put in place a powerful central monitoring system, preferably embedded in the Local Government Division, to regularly review and assess the progress and sustainability of urban development. Implementation experience suggests that secondary towns development projects generally require capacity building in the pourashavas and strong institutional support. [Main text, paras. 40, 41]

Project Name

Urban Governance and Infrastructure Improvement (Sector)

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