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Implementing ICT Tools to Improve Data Collection and Management of National Surveys in Support of the Sustainable Development Goals

NSOs should also be more generally supported in future TAs to train more enumerators and supervisors on how to use tablets on a quarterly basis so that they are familiar and comfortable with using technology. This is particularly true for older enumerators who may be less comfortable with navigating through technology but, given their experience, are excellent at their job of collecting data.

Implementing ICT Tools to Improve Data Collection and Management of National Surveys in Support of the Sustainable Development Goals

Training a reserve set of enumerators on the use of CAPI is vital in the successful implementation of the CAPI survey. If the core set of enumerators are unable to work due to illness, family emergency or other reasons, having reserve enumerators prevents the disruption of survey activities.

Implementing ICT Tools to Improve Data Collection and Management of National Surveys in Support of the Sustainable Development Goals

The CAPI questionnaire design will impact the overall survey and post_x005F_x0002_survey activities such as datacleaning, validation, and processing. A survey pre-test is encouraged before the actual field implementation.

Vertical Mobility and Safety Improvement

Although the rights and obligations of the building owners and residents are governed by the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia, the Civil Code and other legal acts, the management of commonly shared property in multi-apartment buildings in Yerevan is not effective, since there is a mismatch between the ownership title of the assets and the owner’s perception regarding the maintenance obligations. Nevertheless, the local government is still willing to improve the commonly owned private property through public borrowing.

SASEC Subregional Energy Efficiency Initiative

While the SASEC EE roadmap and action plan were approved and the implementation guidelines were formulated, the SASEC and Sri Lanka regional coordination center needs to be created as recommended to ensure continuity in the actions, consistency and fairness in the implementation of the various EE programs, and that a proper dissemination of the results obtained is systematically implemented and cumulative benefits will result from the implementation of the SASEC EE roadmap and action plan.

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