COVID-19 Active Response and Expenditure Support Program

The CPRO modality is deemed relevant, appropriate, and efficient for this program, as it allows DMCs to address spending requirements for health, social, and economic measures in response to the pandemic. Discussions with the government to align the modality with response measures facilitated critically needed fiscal stimulus to better manage the immediate economic and financial shocks created by the rapidly unfolding COVID-19 pandemic and an overwhelmed health care system. The government displayed a high level of ownership of the program since ADB support was extended to the announced COVID-19 response package, the PMGKY. Furthermore, the congruent approach applied by ADB to the program DMF and the program's coherent and harmonized approach with other development partners helped the government operationalize its response measures effectively.With pandemic exposing the capacities of various states in India to respond to emergency situations efficiently, ADB may explore supporting state governments to enhance their capacity for rapid emergency response, particularly focusing on strengthening the health systems and the public distribution system and creating greater efficiencies in the social protection architecture at state level.

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COVID-19 Active Response and Expenditure Support Program

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