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Social Protection Support Project

Building systems and organizational capacity is critical to the success of social assistance programs. Moving beyond a pilot to a national CCTprogram requires establishing project management structures, robust systems for information management, accountability mechanisms, and significant human resources. Despite impressive growth, the Philippines' CCT program faced challenges as it expanded nationally.

Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation Corridors 3 and 5 Enhancement Project

Efforts to collect employment indicators for women during the preparatory stage could help explore possibilities of expanding employment opportunities for women in a project area. These indicators allow better insights on how to enhance their participation in transport projects. Moreover, women’s involvement during consultations and dialogues, especially during appraisal stage, helps improve project design.

Education Sector Development Program

The program did not give sufficient emphasis to ethnicity and included no specific ethnicity expertise even though ethnic students were the main project beneficiaries. A detailed analysis of different ethnic minority areas would have yielded a fuller understanding of the factors influencing education choices and outcomes. Inclusion of specialistsin the program team could have deepened the analysis in EGP, strengthened the engagement of
ethnic groups, and likely strengthened outcomes for ethnic communities

Disaster Risk Reduction and Livelihood Restoration for Earthquake-Affected Communities

Subsidized credit when sourced from a grant may be used as an immediate and emergency response to the financing needs of those severely affected by disaster. However, it is not sustainable over time when grant funds are no longer available. It is basically a stop gap measure in an emergency. There are costs to the delivery of financial services that need to be considered in product pricing to help financial institutions sustain their operations and continue serving targeted households. These institutions need to price their loan products to allow for full cost recovery.

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