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COVID-19 Active Response and Expenditure Support Program

Harness the role of community-based organizations for inclusiveness. Community-based organizations (CBOs) played an active role in implementing the PMEP, such as facilitating information dissemination in the community, collecting applications from interested unemployed individuals, and connecting them to ward offices. Similarly, CBOs helped the government in identifying poor and vulnerable people as recipients of its food distribution efforts and contributed to addressing food needs during the crisis.

COVID-19 Active Response and Expenditure Support Program

Comprehensive and disaggregated enterprise-level data are needed to effectively support micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in times of crisis. The absence of a real-time disaggregated financial data collection system at the beneficiary level made it difficult to timely track the status of business recovery of affected MSMEs. The dataset collected and used in reports on MSME lending did not include comprehensive disaggregated enterprise-level data from the start, making it impossible to assess the inclusiveness of the concessional lending.

COVID-19 Active Response and Expenditure Support Program

Data interoperability facilitates beneficiary targetting in times of crisis. Difficulty in consolidating data between federal, provincial, and local-level governments and between sectors affected program implementation and progress monitoring. While Nepal’s social security programs each identify and register beneficiaries, there is no central register for poor and vulnerable populations. Hence, the ward officials identified food support beneficiaries, which led to implementation challenges.

COVID-19 Active Response and Expenditure Support Program

Purposeful selection of outcome Indicators that are easily and regularly monitored is critical in crisis response projects. There is a high level of uncertainty surrounding the duration and impact of a crisis. Thus, choosing outcome Indicators that provide timely and crucial information on the progress of the crisis and the impact of policy measures can help manage a crisis, as it allows to quickly introduce new measures when the situation worsens.

COVID-19 Active Response and Expenditure Support Program

The One ADB approach is effective in delivering in timely crisis response. A contributing factor to the timely delivery of COVID-19 assistance and support is the One ADB approach in program processing, especially the strong role of the resident mission. With all the relevant departments working as contributors and partners, this approach broke down barriers and improved communications, resulting in faster turnaround and higher-quality outputs. The resident mission played a critical role in the preparation of the program, policy dialogue, and the eventual implementation of the program.

COVID-19 Active Response and Expenditure Support Program

Close and sustained engagement with the government and development is essential to the success of crisis response programs. This program’s design and implementation benefited from the strength of ADB’s close engagement with the government. ADB’s continuous policy dialogues with the government contributed to the government’s response strategy and development financing plan. The resulting close alignment also promoted ADB’s rapid processing, impactful design, and smooth implementation of the program.

COVID-19 Active Response and Expenditure Support Program

ADB's COVID-19 Pandemic Response Option (CPRO) modality was effective. The CPRO program established a model for ADB to channel timely support to developing member countries to address major health and economic challenges. The speed of delivery, efficient implementation, and strong development impact achieved validate the success of this model, which can be deployed to further assist countries in their economic recovery.

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