Trade and Transport Facilitation in the Pacific
Knowledge sharing was done primarily through regional workshops attended by the Pacific DMCs.
Knowledge sharing was done primarily through regional workshops attended by the Pacific DMCs.
The lesson is that the demonstration of innovative pilots can help to ensure that these are taken up in design and implementation of ADB lending operations. Nevertheless, dissemination of knowledge to DMC stakeholders also provides an important avenue to bring local stakeholders on board.
Pursuing pilot innovations and knowledge solutions resulted in the integration of new agendas into design of lending operations such as gender_x005F_x0002_based violence, women’s employment in the renewable energy sector, women’s leadership in water utilities and narrowing gender gaps in skills nontraditional sectors among others. The TA demonstrated the essentiality of collection of solid gender data in preparing a good project design through evidence-based planning.
Agree. But the TCR did not provide any explanation on why the final dissemination event was not held, despite that there were adequate TA resources to support this activity. For the TA-produced general synthesis report and the three subreports, the TCR provided no information other than their titles.
The relevant TA-produced analytical work and subsequent reports could have been more widely disseminated to foster the government counterparts’ understanding of a decisive role assigned to the market in resource allocation.
A lesson could have been included here on the role of this TA in building a clear body of research, consultation, and validation toward the final production and wide dissemination of the TA products.
Agreed. Workshops and steering committees can help facilitate knowledge sharing and the development of informed policies and technical products, while also raising awareness and facilitating the uptake of the final product (in this case the Strategic Master Plan for Chittagong Port).
The consultants facilitated knowledge transfer to the CPA regarding master planning, operation improvement, and port maintenance. Also, through national workshops, the master plan was presented to all relevant stakeholders and high government officials
A lesson statement would be: Knowledge products that are of good quality, operationally relevant, innovative, and responsive to the needs and demands a particular country and region can support engagements in policy dialogue on development priorities, cross-country learning and knowledge sharing from development experiences, and business development and operational planning.
A total of 24 knowledge products were developed during this TA. Examples of successful and effective hand-over projects include the Pacific utilities benchmarking performance work of PRIF to the Pacific Water and Wastewater Association (PWWA) and to the Pacific Power Association (PPA). The 2016 PWWA benchmarking report was released during the Pacific Water conference and Expo in Tonga, August 2016. The report was based on the indicators developed during 2013 PWWA benchmarking exercise supported by PRIF.