Methodologies / approaches

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Shaanxi Weinan Luyang Integrated Saline Land Management Project

Accessibility to key stakeholders of knowledge captured from projects can maximize their use and continued enhancement. Knowledge developed from this project, including the saline and wetland management guidelines, will be of continuing value to stakeholders; therefore,it should be made accessible to them. Periodic data recording on flood mitigation, losses, saline soils, and wetland benefits should be maintained.

Shaanxi Weinan Luyang Integrated Saline Land Management Project

Structural and nonstructural interventions require cohesive and integrated approaches, necessitating long-term planning and consultative processes. For example under this project, safeguard readiness including securing design approval from pertinent agencies should have been pursued more effectively. Project readiness for physical works should be adequately considered in drawing up implementation schedules. Accurate and realistic cost estimates based on detailed technical design can reduce the risk of loan cancellations.

Power Distribution Enhancement Investment Program (Multitranche Financing Facility)

A rational tariff policy is essential for improving the financial viability of a distribution utility. Two tariff revisions (in 2016 and 2021) helped improve the financial viability of Azerishiq's distribution-strengthening projects. Although the upgrade of distribution systems is still not fully financially viable, an improving financial internal rate of return (into positive territory) illustrates the benefits of lifting tariffs toward full cost recovery.

Strengthening Social Resilience Program (Subprograms 1 and 2)

A social protection system needs to evolve in line with changes in the socioeconomic conditions of a country. This program supported social protection system reform, requiring the government's continued commitment for sustainable implementation. A key lesson highlighted by this project is for social protection systems to continue transforming in the face of demographic changes and urbanization and to be shock-responsive.

Managing Solid Waste in Secondary Cities

Use of existing project management units (PMUs) in the executing agency enables timely start and implementation. The project largely benefited from the use of the executing agency's existing PMU, which was actively involved in grant processing and in facilitating grant approval and ratification by the central and provincial governments. The PMU professionally handled the advance contracting action for the selection of a detailed engineering and design consultant, which was mobilized within 1.5 months of grant effectiveness.

Strengthening Public Finance Management Program (Subprogram 1)

Public finance management (PFM) reforms are complex and require a long-term high level political commitment and flexibility to maximize the development impact. The progress made under PFM reforms can also be non-linear in nature, which requires greater effort to revisit reforms and to embed and institutionalize complex reforms as part of the “norm” in core government processes such as policy planning and budgeting.

Solar Transmission Sector Project

In addition to ensuring robust environmental assessment and management to avoid project delays and operational disruptions, it is imperative to plan for and link mitigation measures such as the installation of bird flight diverters to the commissioning of power lines and financial closure, rather than leaving such measures to be retrofitted after the power lines have become operational. Insufficient attention to forest clearance needs during project design and planning resulted in implementation delays. The quality of the environmental assessments fell short.

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