Sustainable Livelihoods in Barani Areas Project

In order for it to be efficiently implemented, a multisector area development project covering multiple districts must have (i) the Agency for Barani Areas Development (ABAD) as the executing agency, since it has the essential mandate; (ii) a decentralized project management model with dedicated staff and market-based salaries and benefits; (iii) flexible, demand-driven design of interventions; (iv) minimum beneficiary funding requirements; (v) fewer consultants and more regular staff; (vi) clear and realistic gender and development (GAD) targets; (vii) a duration of at least 8 years; (viii) pre-selection of nongovernment organizations (NGOs) at appraisal to avoid start-up delays; (ix) flexibility in loan extension and responsiveness to security crises and natural disasters; (xi) a dedicated sub-account for district governments; and (xii) a project performance management system designed at appraisal. The combination of a line agencies' support fund, a project allowance for concerned line agencies staff, and community participation ensured the accountability of line agencies and contractors.

Project Name

Sustainable Livelihoods in Barani Areas Project

Project Number
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