Strengthened Public Financial Management Program

Ownership and continuity. Government leadership was strong in formulating the policy reform matrix, in coordinating policy dialogue, in mobilizing external budget support, and in formulating the program. Program reforms were championed by the Finance Minister, the permanent secretaries for Cabinet and Ministry of Finance and Economic Development, and the Australian-funded budget advisor. Their support was crucial to ensure that reforms were complete before the date that ADB's Board of Directors was to approve the grant. Follow-through on agreed reforms was frustrated, however, by the untimely death of the Finance Minister, three changes in finance secretary, the departure in 2013 of the Australian-funded budget advisor, and the 2013 change in government. This points to the need to ensure bipartisan support for reforms, so that their implementation is not adversely affected by changes in government or key officials. A communications strategy should be included as part of the program to create shared understanding and ownership of the reforms.

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Strengthened Public Financial Management Program

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