Creating a Regional Settlement Intermediary in ASEAN+3: Cross-Border Settlement Infrastructure Forum

Infrastructure development requires substantial preparedness and investment in both time and money. Particularly, a cross_x005F_x0002_border project would require more time and efforts than a national project for coordination among different jurisdictions, thus, planning and implementation arrangement would require flexibility. In addition, rapid advancement in technology would affect IT architecture design, thus, additional flexibility as well as wider involvement of various stakeholders would be desirable. The progresses and outputs of the TA were closelymonitored and evaluated by the ABMI TF4 who held the ownership of the TA. Thus, supporting discreet and time-consuming discussion on infrastructure development among the members including policy makers required flexibility in implementation to accommodate unexpected outcome, such as delayed implementation schedule, whichresulted in the extension of the TA period. For the same reason, stepwise approach to TAimplementation enabling incremental progress is desirable.

Project Name

Creating a Regional Settlement Intermediary in ASEAN+3: Cross-Border Settlement Infrastructure Forum

Project Number
Report Date
Report Source
Technical assistance completion reports