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Food and Nutrition Social Welfare Program and Project

Gender considerations need to be fully integrated in the design of projects and be reflected in the design and monitoring framework (DMF) to ensure that these are effectively addressed during project implementation. The executing and implementing agencies had limited commitment and involvement in the implementation of the Gender action plan (GAP), reflecting the view that the Gender dimension is separate from the main project activities.

Greater Mekong Subregion Flood and Drought Risk Management and Mitigation Project

Clarity on implementation roles and responsibilities and consistent collection and monitoring of Gender-disaggregated data are key to the successful execution of the project Gender action plan (GAP). Gender trainings at inception stage provided clarity on the roles and responsibilities of consultants and implementing agency staff. The well-defined division of labor provided a strong kickstart to the implementation of the GAP. Integration of sex-disaggregated data collection into the system enabled reliable Monitoring and evaluation of GAP progress throughout the project.

Advanced Electricity Metering Project

The absence of a dedicated Gender staff in the implementing agency can limit the implementation of the project's Gender action plan (GAP). The reform process in the sector led to the suspension of some GAP activities and necessitated revisions of several GAP activities and targets. Although the factors that caused the delay in the implementation of the GAP were beyond the control of the executing agency, the absence of dedicated Gender staff in the PIU impeded certain GAP activities.

Sustainable Coastal Protection and Management Investment Program - Tranche 2 and MFF

Cultural norms regarding women’s roles in the society and community should be more carefully addressed. Community involvement in implementation—especially women’s engagement—could have been further enhanced through (i) continuous engagement with the shoreline communities, (ii) targeted interventions and mobilization of specialized resources in the PMU, and (iii) consultant team guidance. In this program, the documentation of the communities’ engagement activities was weak; a better mechanism employed to report women’s participation in project activities would have been more productive.

Yunnan Chuxiong Urban Environment Improvement Project

Gender trainings are a must in ADB first-time projects. This was the first project funded by ADB in Chuxiong prefecture. As such, trainings on Gender equality and the project's Gender action (GAP) plan were needed to promote Gender awareness, develop understanding, and build capacities for GAP implementation. The trainings and overall design of GAP proved relevant and contributed to achieving overall project objectives.

Mid-Level Skills Training Project

An innovative campaign may be needed to attract women to nontraditional TVET training programs. The project emphasized providing opportunities for women, especially those from poor families and rural areas, to attend the TVET programs and to help them find employment after graduation. Campaign activities that proved effective included scholarships and a detailed outreach and communications plan targeting both female candidates and employers.

Gansu Featured Agriculture and Financial Services System Development Project

Making social and Gender action plan (SGAP) an integral part of the ESMS and consultants' deliverables would help ensure its implementation. Guidance and training on the SGAP were provided by ADB’s social development specialist and/or ADB’s social development staff consultant during the ADB review missions. SGAP implementation was made an integral part of the ESMS; in addition, it was included in the terms of reference of social development consultants for the project. Both measures ensured implementation as well as progress monitoring of the SGAP.

COVID-19 Active Response and Expenditure Support Program

Development of measurable Gender performance Indicators and targets, with clearly defined Indicators and data sources, is important in integrating Gender in all programs being implemented by the government . It is also important to develop and implement Gender action plans and use structured data collection tools that can easily extract the required data in a timely manner.

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