Rooftop Solar Power Generation Project
The delay in achieving project effectiveness was unforeseen and unwarranted, given the priority requirement of rooftop solar PV systems to meet national policies,
The delay in achieving project effectiveness was unforeseen and unwarranted, given the priority requirement of rooftop solar PV systems to meet national policies,
Building systems and organizational capacity is critical to the success of social assistance programs. Moving beyond a pilot to a national CCTprogram requires establishing project management structures, robust systems for information management, accountability mechanisms, and significant human resources. Despite impressive growth, the Philippines' CCT program faced challenges as it expanded nationally.
Support from experts in safeguards, financial management, procurement, and other aspects was necessary to implement this first RBL in the country. Although the overall fiduciary system of the program was sound, some schools had weak capacity and needed extra support during program implementation.
Changes in government could trigger changes in counterpart agencies and priorities with significant implications on program design and implementation. The national election in 2012 resulted in a change in government and the subsequent appointment of new directors and staff in Municipal Development Fund of Georgia (MDF), the project executing and implementing agency (EA/IA). Additional time thus had to be devoted to building capacity and awareness with respect to the project. Several subprojects were cancelled because of changes in government priorities.
Changes in government may require a new or additional round of capacity- and awareness-building. The national election in 2012 resulted in a change in the government and subsequent appointment of new directors and staff in the Municipal Development Fund of Georgia (MDF), the project executing and implementing agency. Therefore, additional time had to be devoted to build capacity and awareness with respect to the project.