Regarding use of the RMF (road maintenance fund), while the funding base for the RMF is broadening and annual expenditure allocations increasing, the fund is now spending only part of its income on maintenance and the amount for routine maintenance is relatively small. The RMF is not independent from the government budget system, and in 2014 - 2015 only 89% of fuel levy revenue is budgeted to be spent. This raises potential concern as to the future sustainability of the overall road maintenance. It is recommended that future projects consider how the road maintenance funds accounting system could be independent from the government budget system and made more flexible, to cover all maintenance work for roads. As for the road maintenance for the project roads, the PCR (project completion report) mission noted some maintenance work in progress during the field visit. However, more significant road maintenance activity occurs after the annual rainy season and needs to be reviewed.project cycle stage: Operation
Northern Greater Mekong Subregion Transport Network Improvement Project