Small Towns Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Project

The project’s monitoring and reporting system should be strengthened to include updates on the implementation of safeguard requirements. This is to allow (i) the public and affected villagers access to safeguard action plans, consultation opportunities, voluntary land donation criteria, and monitoring reports; and (ii) the PCU to be aware of problems during implementation that could be resolved in a timely manner. Data and records on land acquisition and resettlement, including documentary evidence of voluntary land donation should be managed systematically by the PCU, PIUs, and district resettlement committees to ensure correct and consistent data. LACPs prepared and updated after project approval, and the semiannual external monitoring reports should be uploaded on the ADB website as a prerequisite under the project’s land acquisition and compensation framework.

Project Name

Small Towns Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Project

Project Number
Report Date
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